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Dean Forest Food Hub
Member Login
Email:  Password: 

Dean Forest Food Hub Membership

You can join as a member and start to order from Dean Forest Food Hub right away.

It's free to join and to order. All we ask is that you pay when you order so that we can pay the local producers upon delivery. There are lots of payment options.

Please provide the following details to join. Items marked with * must be entered.

First Name*
Last Name*
Yes I want to join* please read this before ticking the box: Welcome to the Food Hub
E-mail address* used to log in
Confirm email* again to confirm
Confirm password* enter password again to confirm
Home Phone provide either a land line number
Mobile Phone or a mobile phone number
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Distribution Centre*

Dean Forest Food Hub is a not-for-profit social enterprise.